Hoteles de Quintana Roo refrendan apoyo a migrantes

Akumal Bay hotel staff helped migrants who washed up on the beaches of Tulum.

The hotel sector of the entity reaffirms its respect for human rights and its vocation to help, by assisting foreign migrants in their passage through the Mexican Caribbean, as occurred last Saturday, with the surprise arrival of seven men of Cuban nationality in a small boat, on the coast of Tulum.

The foreigners had spent several days at sea, so they suffered from heatstroke and dehydration. Immediately after landing on a beach in this tourist destination, staff from the Akumal Bay hotel rushed to their aid, giving them water and taking them to the lodging center, so they could eat and rest.

Authorities learned of what had happened and soon staff from the National Institute of Migration (INM) took charge of transporting the foreigners to Cancun, where they received medical attention. It is known that the foreigners were going to request asylum, in order to receive a document that allows them to remain in Mexican territory.

In this regard, Andreina Peralta, general coordinator of CISVAC Foundation, which focuses on helping migrants in Quintana Roo, pointed out that many foreigners are often returned to their countries of origin due to ignorance of their rights.

The activist highlighted the good will of those who want to help these people, who have suffered many hardships and who risk their lives to escape an undesirable situation. It is important, she said, to be human.

"I hope that despite all the calamity they have gone through, they can rest a little," he said, noting that, regardless of each person's legal situation or immigration status, we all have human rights that must be respected.

In the case of these seven men of Cuban origin, the hotel that assisted them launched an appeal for them to be treated with dignity and to be granted refugee status. - Available Good Smtp for bulk emails - Smtp Hit Inbox All - Send Unlimited To Inbox - Bulletproof cpanels - Spam Tools - Spoof Sender Emails & Bomber Emails

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