COVID numbers keep growing in Yucatan

Once again, there is an increase in the number of coronavirus infections in Yucatan and the number of people hospitalized compared to previous days. The SSY (Yucatan Health Secretariat) presented 864 new positive cases. In addition, there were 149 people hospitalized. There were six fatalities: three men and three women between ages 28 to 73.

 Infections are as it follows: 432 in Mérida, 59 in Kanasín, 58 in Progreso, 40 in Tizimín, 35 in Valladolid, 32 in Maxcanú, 31 in Umán, 29 in Conkal, 19 in Tekax, 18 in Izamal, 15 in Acanceh, 12 in Ticul, 9 in Motul, 6 in Cacalchén and Cenotillo, 4 in Akil, Halachó, Mocochá and Tzucacab, 3 in Espita and Hocabá, 3 in Abalá, Chichimilá, Muna, Río Lagartos, Sucilá and Tixkokob, and 1 each in Calotmul, Chankom, Dzan, Hoctún, Huhí, Kantunil, Opichén, Oxkutzcab, Peto, Seyé, Sinanché, Sudzal, Tecoh, Tetiz, Tinum and Tunkás.

 Thus, 87,121 infections have accumulated throughout the pandemic, 86 percent of which (72,813) have fully recovered patients.

 Contagions in Merida

The accumulated number of positive cases in Mérida is 51,827: 13,522 in the north, 12,692 in the east, 5059 in the center, 8123 in the south, and 12,431 in the west. In Merida, the neighborhoods and subdivisions that have had the most infections in the last two weeks are Centro with 210, Juan Pablo II with 150, Ciudad Caucel with 117, Chuburna with 110, Francisco de Montejo with 75, Los Heroes with 65, Vergel 3 with 60, Pacabtun with 55, Industrial with 47, Mulsay with 45 and Polygon 108 with 42 new infections.


Six deaths were reported. Three women and three men between ages 28 to 73. Of these people, four resided in Merida, one in Sanahcat and one in Izamal. In total, 6540 have died from Covid in Yucatan.

Active cases are 7619 stable and isolated at home and 149 hospitalized in total isolation.

 Municipalities with more infections.

The municipalities with the highest number of coronavirus infections were reported. Merida has 51,827 cases, Valladolid 4426, Kanasin 3604, Progreso 2559, Uman 2193, Tizimin 2178, Ticul 1863, Tekax 1204, Motul 1117, and Hunucma 1090.