Wagons of the Mayan Train will cost 50 billion pesos: AMLO

“On Monday we are going to go to the Alstom company because the trains are going to be manufactured in Mexico. A contract was signed for 50 billion pesos for the manufacture of trains. And a representative of the French company is coming, they have already partnered with another train construction company, which is Bombardier,” explained López Obrador.

The reason for the visit to the company will be to monitor progress, since the infrastructure has to be ready by December 2023.

The president stressed that progress is also being made on all sections of the Mayan Train, to finish in a timely manner.

López Obrador mentioned that despite the disagreement of environmentalists, the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) continue construction work.

In section one of the Mayan Train, he stressed that practically everything already has an embankment, in section two “there is a lot of progress”; in number three it is also mentioned that everything is already prepared for the drainage works to continue, and in number four it is found with the same progress as the previous one.

Likewise, AMLO said that they already have all the lines and agreements with all the owners of the section from Tulum to Cancun, which has less distance.

The president acknowledged that there are many problems in section five of the Mayan Train, however, he pointed out that it is not precisely with the owners of the land, for which he took the opportunity to thank the support of the rural communities of Quintana Roo.

In collusion with the above, he insisted that the Mayan Train will not damage cenotes or underground rivers, as the environmentalists and activists of “Selvame del Tren” accuse, since more than 400 million trees are being planted in the five states where the construction of this initiative.

“The most important reforestation program in the world is being applied, 1.3 billion dollars are being invested in the “Sembrando Vida (sowing life) program, many trees are being planted, including all the roads of the train are going to have rows of trees” detailed López Obrador.

The head of the executive took advantage of the fact that he is in the monthly supervision of the construction of the Mayan Train to question that despite continually ensuring the preservation of the environment, according to his statements, protests continue to be made.

López Obrador accused again that behind all these disagreements there is a series of interests because he points out that the opponents are not the residents of Carrillo Puerto, nor the Ejidatarios of the area, but rather international organizations, some financed by the United States (according to AMLO).

“The farmers have been asked (about the construction) and there is no opposition,” said the president.

Finally, he highlighted that the section of the train that goes from Mérida to Chetumal will be electric, and affirms that this will avoid polluting emissions.

AMLO will supervise the works of the Mayan Train in Cancun, Merida, and Tulum

During his morning press conference at the facilities of the Tenth Military Police Brigade of Quintana Roo, the president mentioned that he will visit the section from Cancun to Tulum and then the section that goes from Cancun to Merida.

“We are going to start our monthly tour to supervise the Mayan Train, which will consist of visiting the section from Cancun to Tulum, then from Cancun to Merida,” said the president.

He also reported that on Saturday he will visit the section of the Maya Train that goes from Mérida to Palenque, Chiapas.

On the other hand, López Obrador thanked Governor Carlos Joaquín for his support.

“In Quintana Roo we have always had the support of the governor of Carlos Joaquín González, we are always very happy to visit Quintana Roo, it is like visiting our home,” said the president.

Finally, he recognized the solidarity of the people of Quintana Roo for receiving people who come from other states to get job opportunities.

“I thank the people of Quintana Roo, those who are originally from this state, for their solidarity and their wish to earn the life honestly, especially in the most difficult times, because now there are more job opportunities throughout Southeast Mexico,” the president concluded.